Grooming Tips - Paw Perfection.
With difficult times ahead I feel like i have the perfect opportunity to share with you some at home grooming tips. As we will be spending a lot more time with our four legged friends i believe it is important to maintain a level of care they would receive at the grooming salon.
This post will focus on looking after your dogs paws. With many many more walks to enjoy now its important to keep those paws powering.
1. Nails
I would strongly advise against clipping your own dogs nails if this is something you haven't done before, there is a vein present inside each one which can bleed very heavily if caught and of course is not a comfortable experience for you dog. Keep checking the length of your dogs nails and make sure none are loose or cracked, as they can easily be torn off. When walking try and ensure some hard path walking to keep those nails filed down.
Obviously if you are concerned about any of them, if they are beginning to curl inside or are preventing the dog walking please contact your vet if it is not possible for you to visit the salon.
2. Walking
As much as your dog is enjoying all the extra time and walks, please bear in mind where you are walking your dog. Upon your return home be sure to feel in-between pads for any foreign bodies or knots which could be lodged. This is an area that I see all too often having problems.
Matts are easily formed in-between toes and pads, and given time this is very painful for your pet. It can also conceal grass seeds, stones, chewing gum which can then lead to further complications.
Give this area a quick brush over after walks to keep that pawdicure in check.
3. Pads
It is also important to check your dogs pads, ensure that they have not torn or ripped the skin after walks. All dogs pads are different colours and textures so just check that all 4 are similar. Please consult a vet if you find anything unusual.
You may notice that after grooming the hair between pads is removed, please wait until your next groom before this is done again. I urge you NOT to take to cutting your own dog at home.
Some of my customers like a paw balm applied to moisturise tired feet, if you have this at home rub a small amount gently on to each pad.
Thank you for reading grooming tips, we look forward to giving you at home advice for your pups...
Thanks Jill xx